What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?
The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils who are encountering emotional difficulties, these include:
- Our SENCo has completed Mental Health First Aid training and is available to support pupils with emotional needs from FS1 to Year 6.
- ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. We currently have a trained ELSA who work with children 1:1 or in small group settings. ELSAs can also offer support for the families of the children they are supporting. Themes such as anxiety, bereavement, emotions, attachement, to name but a few, can be supported through ELSA. In addition, we have pastoral care where individual sessions can provide support for a variety of concerns.
- Next Steps programme. We have several members of staff trained to deliver the Next Steps programme that was delivered through CAMH's. This provides support for pupils on a 1:1, allowing skills to be taught to pupils to allow them to self manage emotions and anxieties.
- A social skills group is run in both Key Stages. Time to Talk is used in KS1 and Socially Speaking is used in KS2;
- Pupils who find lunchtimes a struggle are encouraged to join our Active Playtime Scheme where fun games and activities are made available to help provide the pupils with social skills to enable them to form friendships. This is run through play leaders and overseen by teaching staff and lunch time supervisors