"Treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself."

Our School Heads and Deputies

The Head Boy and Head Girl of the school are responsible for managing the whole of the Prefect Body, ensuring that all duties are carried out correctly and that the Prefect Body are the ultimate role models for all other pupils in the school. Duties of the Head Boy and Head Girl will consist of representing the school at local and national events as Christ the King ambassadors, making speeches at Open Evenings and Awards events and they are an integral part of the induction process for the new Year F2s in September. The Head Boy and Girl are key to all major events that the school is involved in such as organising Open Evenings and Parents Evening, taking parents and pupils on tours of the school and generally welcoming visitors to the school. As ambassadors for the school, the Head Boy and Head Girl ensure that the views of all pupils are represented and listened to by coordinating student voice for a wide range of school issues from teaching and learning to school dinners.

The selection process for all candidates who applied was very thorough. This year the quality and leadership shown by all candidates was exceptional and it was a privilege to be part of this process. All candidates submitted a letter of application and presented before Mrs Procter, before finally being shortlisted for a formal interview.

It was a very difficult process to appoint both Head Boy and Head Girl as all candidates were outstanding in every part of the interview process. I am delighted and proud that Mathew Quinlan has been appointed as Head Boy and that Rose Delaney has been appointed Head Girl. The Deputies are a quality team for the Head Boy and Girl to work with and the Deputy Heads consist of Lewis McWha and Tasmin Greve. The standards set around school and their track records both in and out of school for leadership and community work is exceptional and they are a credit to our Christ the King family.

We wish you luck in your new roles. We are very proud.

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