How do we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for children with SEN?
Monitoring progress is an integral part of teaching and leadership at Christ the King Catholic Primary School. Parents/Carers, children and staff are involved in reviewing the impact of interventions for learners with SEN. We follow the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ model and ensure that parents/cares and children are involved in each step.
• Children’s progress is continually monitored by their class teacher.
• We collect pupil progress data for every child every half term which is then scrutinised. Half termly progress meetings are held between the class teacher and SENCo to review all children’s progress. Further meetings are arranged by the school SENCo and the SLT within school to review children’s progress.
• Parents/Carers and children are involved in reviewing progress termly through the progress meetings and the child’s view form. Discussions take place about their child including whether further provision needs to be considered, their child’s needs need to be continually assessed using the graduated response or their child is making progress against national/age expected levels and sufficient progress has been made so that they no longer require SEN Support.
• A baseline assessment is taken at the start and at the end of any additional provision/intervention in order to evaluate the effectiveness and impact. Interventions are monitored by the child’s class teacher and SENCo through the class profile. Short term interventions will not last more than 6 weeks, if the child is not demonstrating progress.
• Additional meetings with parents/carers are available throughout the school year with our school’s SENCo to discuss individual children’s needs.
Termly meetings are held with the Head, SENCo and parents to discuss the needs and progress of all pupils on the SEN register.