Religious Education
Religious Education at Christ the King
At Christ the King School we are building God's Kingdom here on earth.
At Christ the King we remember to: ‘treat others the way we would like to be treated ourselves.'
Our school exists to enable all children and adults to grow towards Christian maturity based on the life and teachings of Jesus as revealed in the Gospels and in the Traditions and Doctrines of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Education Service ( states the following:“Whatever their status... Catholic Schools and Colleges are established to support Catholic parents in their responsibility for the academic, physical, spiritual, moral and religious education of their children in accordance with the teachings of the Church. Catholic Education endeavours to make the person of Jesus Christ known and loved, and to place Him and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre of the educational enterprise. In ‘placing Christ at the Centre’,1 Catholic education seeks to invite all into a life of discipleship within the Body of the Church.”
Please read our Religious Education Policy for more information.
1 Christ at the Centre, Catholic Truth Society, 2nd Edition, 2012
We are currently waiting for the release of the New Curriculum Directory for Religious Education and will share this with you as soon as we can. In the meantime, we continue to use The Way, The Truth and The Life scheme to support learning in RE.
"The very effective leadership skills of the Religious Education Lead, visionary leadership of the Headteacher and Senior Management Team ensure that provision for Religious Education is outstanding." (Denominational Inspection Report April 2022)
The Way, The Truth and the Life / Vines and Branches at Christ the King
We are currently in the process of changing our scheme of work to the Vines and the Branches which follows closely the new Curriculum Directory fo RE.
Jesus told us that He is the true vine and we are the branches.
"I am the vine and you are the branches. whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty." Jn 25:5
Years 1 to 4 will be following the new scheme from September 2024.
The topics for all year groups are as follows:
Autumn 1 - Creation and Covenant
Autumn 2 - Prophecy and Promise
Spring 1 - Galilee to Jerusalem
Spring 2 - Desert to Garden
Summer 1 - Ends of the Earth
Summer 2 - Dialogue and Encounter
As a school we follow The Way, The Truth and The Life Topics as set out below for each year group.
Have a look at our RE newsletters in the downloadable files below to find out more about what our children are learning about in their The Way, The Truth and The Life topics each half term.
Home RE Gallery
Please send photos of any RE related things that you do at home over the coming weeks into the school office and we will add them to the website.
For the Feast of the Ascension, activities were set on Seesaw for the children to complete. Below are some examples.
During May, all classes have been looking at the role of Mary and the special prayer of the Rosary. Many children have been completing activities on Seesaw and below are just a few examples of their work.
Year 3 have been writing about the Easter Story and making some of their own Easter Gardens.
Little Acorns have been focussing on the Easter Story this week. They have been making donkey sock puppets and palms at home and singing "We know a king who rides on a donkey" and "Hosanna Rock!" as well as sharing the Bible stories with their families. They made crosses and Js for Jesus too. Please look at the video below for the Keane family's reenactment of Palm Sunday.