"Treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself."


Christ the King Catholic Primary School recognises that computing is an important tool in both the society that we live in and in the process of teaching and learning. At each key stage, through engaging and relevant planning, we will help children develop the knowledge, confidence and skills required in the 21st Century with regards to computing. Pupils will use different tools to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly and creatively. They will learn how to utilise computing to enable them to communicate, control and program from a wide range of sources. Children will begin to develop an understanding of computing terminology and how computer networks work. Throughout this process, a strong awareness and understanding of E-safety will be established.

E-safety is an important aspect of our computing curriculum and is recognised in our Child Protection and RHE policies and curriculum. Each year group is taught how to use technology safely and respectfully. They learn not to share personal information or arrange to meet strangers. They learn about the importance of passwords and protecting their identify. Cyber-bullying is further covered as a whole school focus during anti-bullying work. 

We meet the aims of the National Curriculum through our own progression in knowledge and understanding as seen in the document below. Teach Computing, Mr P DARES projects, Code.Org, Scratch and Microsoft products, in additon to many iPad apps, are used to carefully craft our curriculum.

Our computing curriculum ensures all children can access the content regardless of ability or additional needs. Children are able to use a range of technology and software to record their learning whether this be in terms of coding, desktop publishing, e-safety or any of the other computing strands. For specific needs, staff can refer to our CTK SEN policy, seek advice from the computing leaders and use accessibility tools featured on devices used. 



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